Image by divamover via Flickr
Back in 2006, almost as soon as "geezers" (i.e., non-college age people) were allowed on Facebook, I filled out a profile and started a group, "Feldenkrais Method(R): This Stuff ROCKS!" As Facebook has evolved, it became obvious that the party was moving to Fan Pages. So, I began the transition to a fan page a couple of months ago. I hope to phase out and eliminate the old group by July 1, 2009.
Here's the power of social media: I sent out a message from the old group to the members via Facebook, and saw a jump in the number of fans on the new fan page. I also posted a "welcome" video.
Social media is here to stay. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. may disappear or morph, but the fact remains: people will connect, research, and make decisions based on the information they receive via social media web sites. Facebook is a good "gateway site." If you don't have a profile on Facebook yet, it's time. I'll be your friend, I promise. Just search for and "friend" me. Let me know who you are in the message attached. Then, go to the Fan Page for "Feldenkrais Method(R) of Somatic Education." Click "become a fan." You're in!
More social media posts to come. I'm a maniac.