Wednesday, April 22, 2009

YOU are the Brand

A tag cloud with terms related to Web 2.Image via Wikipedia

If you want to grow your practice, the most important task is to build trust and a good reputation. You can and probably should do this around the "brand" of The Feldenkrais Method®. Also consider that initially your clients and contacts will remember YOU more than the name of the method, technique, or modality you use. Then, you, your name, and your reputation become a brand that either supports or diminishes the brand (and the work) of the Feldenkrais Method.

One business blogger says that by 2011, 90% of our business will come from digital or word-of-mouth sources. The "new world" of social media and Web 2.0 is no longer new -- it is here and growing. You might be reluctant to get involved with social media out of fear that it will take up too much time, or because you don't understand how it works. I'm here to help.

Take a look at this a short PowerPoint presentation by Grace Rodriguez of AYN Brand in Houston, TX. It's the best overview I have seen that clearly explains what is going on, why it is important, and how to get started. If you're already dabbling in social media but don't quite know what to do next, you'll get clarification here. Then, let's talk about it! Leave a comment on this blog before you go. You're already on your way!

(better view: click the "full screen icon" at the bottom of the video window.)

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Your Personal Marketing Plan

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement(R) classImage by divamover via Flickr

As Feldenkrais teachers, we love exploring options and having many choices for action. However, when faced with the questions, "How can I build my practice? How can I get more clients?" the options seem infinite (they are!) and overwhelming (they don't have to be).

My friend Grace Rodriguez is a marketing and branding professional in Houston, Texas. She has developed a simple template for thinking about and planning for growth. Click the title to read "How to Write a Simple, One-Page Marketing Plan."

I am taking her advice to heart. Here is a tool for deciding what to do, and when to do it. A simple action plan is reassuring, encouraging, and will move you toward creating the kind of practice you want. I will be sharing more from Grace in future posts.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Your Online Listing with

Image representing as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

You may be checking in here for the first time because you read about in the Spring issue of InTouch. If you missed the article, you can read it by clicking here.

I've been listed on since February, and I'm excited about the potential. Have a look around the site:

You can have a look at an example (yes, it's my listing) at this link:

And you can take a short video tour of the website by following this link:

If you're an FGNA member, you'll receive information soon about how to access and activate your site. If you're not an FGNA member, this might be a great excuse to join! You can still have a listing on, but you'll have to do a lot of the work from scratch.

There's not really any action to take at the moment, if you're a Guild Member. However, have a look at the example, and imagine what you'd like to have on YOUR pages. What I have listed there is what works for me, and it might not be your style. When your site is activated, it's as easy as typing an email to edit your site and make any changes you would like.

Come back here often for additional practice-building support, and future tutorials on making the most of your altMD listing!

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