Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Your Personal Marketing Plan

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement(R) classImage by divamover via Flickr

As Feldenkrais teachers, we love exploring options and having many choices for action. However, when faced with the questions, "How can I build my practice? How can I get more clients?" the options seem infinite (they are!) and overwhelming (they don't have to be).

My friend Grace Rodriguez is a marketing and branding professional in Houston, Texas. She has developed a simple template for thinking about and planning for growth. Click the title to read "How to Write a Simple, One-Page Marketing Plan."

I am taking her advice to heart. Here is a tool for deciding what to do, and when to do it. A simple action plan is reassuring, encouraging, and will move you toward creating the kind of practice you want. I will be sharing more from Grace in future posts.
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